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UNEA 6: 15 resolutions and a victory for multilateral efforts

UNEA 6: 15 resolutions and a victory for multilateral efforts

The UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6), which concluded on March 1, has been applauded as a success for the various resolutions and decisions achieved during the week-long meeting held in Nairobi

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Paramos: The Environmental Treasure of the Andean Mountain Range

Paramos: The Environmental Treasure of the Andean Mountain Range

It’s common knowledge that Latin America is rich in natural resources

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Turning Trash into Treasure: The Power of Methane Repurposing

Turning Trash into Treasure: The Power of Methane Repurposing

When it comes to global warming debates, carbon dioxide is normally the greenhouse gas that gets the most attention, and the worst reputation

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Green Corridors Lead the Way in Latin America

Green Corridors Lead the Way in Latin America

Colombia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Chile... These countries have something more in common than just being part of Latin America and the Caribbean.

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AI against climate change: How Latin America is joining the fight

AI against climate change: How Latin America is joining the fight

The use of Artificial Intelligence seems to have become common in many fields over the past year: from finance and communications to cybersecurity and advertising.

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Droughts in Panama and the Amazon: Causes and Consequences

Droughts in Panama and the Amazon: Causes and Consequences

Drought. The word has been repeated in relation to Latin America since mid-2023 and up to today.

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Eco Footprint: What it is, and how to measure and reduce it

Eco Footprint: What it is, and how to measure and reduce it

The ecological footprint is a way of measuring the impact that we as individuals have on the planet.

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Celebrating 4 Environmental Wins of 2023 and their Impact in Latin America

Celebrating 4 Environmental Wins of 2023 and their Impact in Latin America

It was the hottest year on record. There were droughts (still ongoing), hurricanes and floods that caused severe damage across the world.

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Global Plastics Treaty: The Year’s Big Environmental Challenge

Global Plastics Treaty: The Year’s Big Environmental Challenge

After the focus on fossil fuels at last year’s COP28, 2024 brings another big conversation for the environment – one not too separate from the fossil fuels debate, in fact.

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Sustainable New Year's Resolutions: 5 Tips for a Greener 2024

Sustainable New Year's Resolutions: 5 Tips for a Greener 2024

New Year’s resolutions are all about self-improvement: making big or small changes that will help us be the best possible version of ourselves.

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The hottest year on record: Bad news for Latin America

The hottest year on record: Bad news for Latin America

It’s been a record-breaking year, and not in a good way. This 2023 we’ve seen the hottest ever October, September, August, July and June.

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